Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Job changes are a concern to your employers : Read tips on how to get a job for yourself inspite of being a job hopper !

I recently came across a candidate who said , Mam , I have changed many jobs in past 4 years .
Any job will work for me . Am just frustrated with this company and not able to get any jobs due to many job changes that employers see in my cv :

Now , It is oblivious of the fact that it will always be a matter of concern to the employers .

You need to first figure out : why and what you do not like in the company ?
Then ask these questions to yourself :
Is it the job role that i like or do not like ?
Is it the environment ?
Is it the infrastructure ?
Is it money ?
Is it the company expectations am unable to fulfill ?
Is it the work pressure you can not handle ?
Is it that you are unclear about your goals ?
OR Last completely de-focused/ not at all focused .

How to Figure out :

-Sit at home on weekends and do a test on yourself :
-Check your career graph from your own resume
-Count how many job changes you made in what span of time
- Write down reasons why you left those companies
- Point out / Note down things you like about work
-Point out / Note down things that motivate you

Now focus on what is motivating you and what is right for you !

And then :

Point down your goals and strategies to accomplish them .

Now , Since you are aware about the mistakes you made previously . Make sure you are keeping up with a company at least for an year ! It takes at least 6 months to understand a company .

-make a resume where you can highlight more of the responsibilities you've handled in the past .
- make sure you are not showing any gaps in your cv
-mention about the freelance work you've down , volunteer work .
-your expertise
-highlight things you want to do in a company , by things i mean roles and responsibilities / your area of interest .
Do not make a resume in chronological order .

step 2 : Use your references , your friends , relatives , family , network so far , social media, newspapers job adverts to apply for jobs available .

step 3 : once you get the job . Do not be demanding too high on the compensation . You have got to learn a lot yet .

Congratulations , make sure you are sticking to one job role at least for 365 days !!!

Article Written by :

Dimple C Khubcandani
Career Transition Expert And Business Consultant
Synoverge Consultants

Friday, July 11, 2014

Hiring First Employee!!! ( All New C E O's should read this post ) !!

Congratulations !! for being confident and giving light to your Idea!

Well here are few things you should know : whom to hire , what to see in a candidate , and Hiring ways the following points will give you a run down for business : . . 

What position to fill first will differ for each company, depending on industry, location and the skills of the founders. 

The first thing you should decide is whom to hire FIRST : If you currently have projects in hand , you may hire a staff on the basis of the project : People who can help you E X E C U T E.

If you just have an idea in mind : you should have a marketing or sales person first in a team who will help you get projects .

People you need to build a billion dollar dream team for your company needs : a marketer , a sales person , an accountant , a designer , a pr , a developer , back-office( includes hr, admin , inside sales)  , technical team .

How to find a team for yourself : 

An entrepreneur’s best bet for finding employees usually is networking, making good connections with people .

Ask for referrals from your friends, industry colleagues and advisers, such as your accountant,your family , your surroundings , your online friends , your entire circles ... and organization members.

 If one of your advisers or colleagues recommends somebody, they've done some of your employee screening work already. Start-ups typically find their first 10 employees this way.

~Consider whether you can outsource tasks to consultants or free-lancers before hiring someone 

~Look for candidates used to smaller organizations and don't focus on those with big-business credentials who may be accustomed to having a lot of rules to follow.

~You may use newspapers , or pamphlets or online advertisements for hiring initial staff . 

~Do not buy any job portals at an initial stage , nor hire any consultants till you are making good !! 

Things you need to see in a first hire : 

The first hire plays a very important role in building a culture for your small set up . 

Therefore , the first hire should be flexible with hours because he/she will have no limited task and will be assigned any work that comes up !

~They should have an open mentality and Entrepreneurship mind set !

~It might be tempting to hire candidates with big-business credentials, but they’re often not a good fit. 

~In a big company, there are rules, regulations and processes to do everything. 

~In a small company, there often are no set jobs and everyone may do a bit of everything.

~They should be quick learners 
~flexible with work and work hours
~ Agile in work
~Surely and mandatory do a reference check of your first hire -most recommended . Coz they might turn out to be thieves or may destroy your plan too . Ref check must !

Collect these documents when you finalize a candidate must if you are hiring an Experienced professional :

1.     Updated Resume and 2 passport size photographs.
2.     SSC and HSC Mark sheets
3.     Graduation Mark sheet
4.     Post-Graduation Mark sheet
5.     Any professional course certificate
6.     Any training certificate 
7.     Electricity Bill
8.     Driving license/Passport/Voter’s Id/ Pan Card
9.     Relieving letter of last employer or resignation acceptance via mail or on paper .
10.   Experience Letter of last employer
11.   Last 3 months’ salary slips of last employer   
Everything should be true copied by a lawyer or any authorized government officer .

If a candidate is a fresher : Documents to be collected should be Points 1-8. 

And when new hires comes on board, you’ve widened the candidate pool with their own Rolodexes.

 ~If an employee recommends someone, there’s are higher chances of you being successful .

~ Candidates get a much more honest perspective of the company, and in most cases an employee is going to recommend only someone he or she thinks will be successful, to avoid tarnishing his or her own reputation.

~ and it saves money too and its not that difficult  . 

~Compiled by 

Synoverge Consultants

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How hiring an HR consultancy is an investment rather than a cost! ?( special guest post by Nupur Singh )

Hiring HR consultancy: An investment rather than a cost
A human resource team is basically required to manage the workforce of a firm. This includes managing the salary part, training the employees, evaluating performance, solving internal conflicts, fulfilling the employer’s goal without compromising with the personal growth of the employees as well as hiring and firing of employees. The HR team’s goal is to keep the employer and employee happy.
One might think that having an internal HR team is enough and hiring a consultancy is a cost that a firm does not want to incur.
Here are a few things that a consultancy does for you that make it an investment:
Ø Hiring and firing: Consultancies have expertise in hiring. A consultancy evaluates the skills required for a particular position. It then searches for a fit candidate that has the required skills to get the work done faster and effectively. This saves the cost of the company that it spends on suppose 2 employees that perform a set of task which a single person with better skills can do.

Ø Skill development: Evaluation of skills required for a position is not enough. Consultancies also evaluate the skills of existing employees and look where the skills need to be improved. Also, if an employee has an additional skill, those skills can be brought in use in some other work.

Ø Training the employees: Consultancies train the employees and educate them on the vital knowledge, skill sets and provide a glance on the industry as well as the firm’s environment. Firms can save their time by outsourcing the training process to expert consultants.

Ø Training the HR team: Not only does a consultant train the employees but also the HR team. The HR team is trained on letter and e-mail writing skills, how to communicate with employees effectively, how and what information should be shared with the workforce, resolving employee issues, etc. Often the consultancies also train the HR team with creating or updating the existing manuals or handbooks.

Ø Pass on special skills: The firm might not necessarily have special talents. A consultancy has expertise in their field and knows what is best for a firm. When required, firm can use this special talent of the consultants and even pass the special skills to the employees.

Ø Concentration on core business: If a firm does not have an HR team, it can use the services of consultancies and free the employees to focus on their core business.

Written by : Nupur Atul Singh ( Nupur Gahoi ) and

Thursday, May 22, 2014

CEO's - PICK MY BRAIN ON : " How to improve your performance... !!!" SALES .......

 Things  Professionals can do in a 'Slow moving economy' to improve performance:

1.Talk to your Current Customers and Keep them Delighted . . . .Keep them happy . Know their hurts . Talk to them more , a simple Hello will put you at EASE !! it will help you make a conversation . . If they don't ! you should talk to them . . No body owe's you anything . . Success is owed to you only if you put in Efforts . . YOU START FIRST ! Keep them delighted stay in touch with them !

2.  Get deeper and better info on client's brands' requirements by spreading wider in marketplace.Meeting client servicing people to gather info can give that edge. Connect them to people who you know can help grow their business as well . . it is always a give and get (take ) thing . . . 

3. Build relationships with VALUE . . help your clients build their businesses, give them ideas they can use for their profit.. . Try reinforcing , redirecting helping them refocus if they need help somewhere . . Coz when they grow . . they help you grow ! 

4.Build your ‘reputation’...If you become known as a person of value, clients will seek you. Hustle till you no longer need to introduce yourselves .....! 

5.Study at least 1 book a month on business - sales , marketing and strategies ! Keep yourself inspired by books , quotes or anything that keeps you motivated ! 

6.The new rules include the internet which includes Facebook , Twitter ,  Linkedin .Your active profiles on these networking sites helps you to remain ‘top of mind’ among clients and agencies and potential would be free recommendations and new clients ! 

7.Be Creative. Upgrade every action you take, presentation you make, proposal you send to agencies . . The Obvious is Boring . . The Boring is NO Curiosity . .The no curiosity is NO SALE !!! Be Creative .. make people curious . . .

8.Learn the joy of 'rejection'.Make more number of cold calls.. .Make sure to call at least 5 people or 5 companies you think can be your potential client ! A ghost call , cold call . . or any kind of call . . Just TALK ! 

9.Set Daily Goals and daily actions..Making 150 calls in a week might seem daunting, but 5 calls a day seems doable.. . if not 5 . . 3 at least . . . .Trust me if you do so . . you will never complain about having less projects !!!!

10.Learn to accept Rejections . Yes every one will not understand your worth . Everybody will not pay you your price . . But its OKAY !!! BUT SOME WILL . . Keep those some on priority . . Plan a schedule . . with the rest adjust . . and keep them in the second or last priority !! There is always work .. plenty of it . . You should just know how to find !!

Hope this was helpful.
Inscribed by :

Dimple Khubchandani.
Your Career Transition And Hiring Partner And Business Consultant .
Synoverge Consultants

Friday, May 16, 2014

Pick My Brain !! How to write a Business Proposal !!

Writing a proposal is similar to but not exactly the same as crafting a persuasive essay or producing a report. Here are suggestions for developing a proposal, including some pertinent to its specific purpose.

Firstly , Do not write an Email without talking on a phone once or any which ways if you do so please follow these steps : 

Don't use ALL CAPITALS (no shouting!), or all lower-case letters either 

Step 1 : Write a Curious Subject Line .Always fill in the subject line with a topic that means something to your reader.  Subject lines should be very intriguing and impactful with regards to the kind of business you have and should create curiosity so that the person at least opens to read that mail . for eg : "Deadline for empanelment" -
Do not write your product or services name in the subject line at all . 

Step 2:  Always start with a salutation /  Greet  : Do not use words like heyoooo , heya , hey - very unprofessional .

in a professional business communication language always use words like: Dear , Hi , Hello with the Correct name . you may also write a surname like Dear Ms. Khubchandani , or for eg. Hello Ms. Dimple .

Use correct Grammar . Correct spaces . 

~Never show your hopes and asking for health or praying for health , wealth etc . it is very irritating to read such and it is not at all impactful .

- Greeting means - a simple hi and a name . It should be very simple and Direct with the context to the kind of relationship you have with that person , or with the context of how you know about that person you may greet them that way !Very short and simple it should be . 

Step 3: Introduce yourself and about your company . - Do not attach your certificates or awards you've received . Just a small and short impactful introduction about you containing information about your professional career in context to what you want to offer that person only . 

For Eg : I am a CEO of an Executive Search and Corporate Training Firm - "Synoverge Consultants"

or I am a career transition and hiring partner at Synoverge Consultants

And then a little brief about you containing your services .

Step 4: Brief about your Company's service or a product :  Write a brief with context to why you are writing that mail to them. Is the content that helpful that the person might even recommend you to someone if he can not take your services . Write with that context in your mind !
It should be in context to helping them .
Providing Solutions to them - NO Arguments !
It should contain information about your work and the services you can offer them .Explain your WORK ! DEFINE IT . Make it look short and sweet in simple steps no too many paragraphs .
NO short forms. 

For Eg: Company's introduction .
Services company offers 
Price of the service .
Clauses . 
End note - it should contain your contact information various ways of reaching you ! 

Step 5: End NOTE : Again here do not show any hopes or build in expectation content at all .
like awaiting your revert , will wait for your reply etc .No please do not write these sentences at all .

Write an optimistic or a positive ( ask for a permission ) ,which will help you make a call to them . - Well nothing like a face to face meeting than a telephone though you may use sentences like these :

Like : can i call you at 3pm today ?
Or What is the best time to speak to you today or anytime this week ?

Step 6: Sign off the email:

Use a good signature : Containing your full name
Your Number
Your Designation
Your Company Name
Your company's website
Your Social Links 

Step 7 : Proofread and re-check your content before hitting the send button .

Hope this was helpful.

Content Compiled by Dimple
Synoverge Consultants 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Things in your CV/ Resume that makes you look " Unprofessional"

Things that makes your resume say " YOU ARE UNPROFESSIONAL"

~Random/Cute shared email accounts : like ""
Tip - Instead, adopt an address that incorporates the name you use professionally on your resume and cover letter.

~Proofread Failures / Typo Erros / Spelling Mistakes .
Tip - Use a spell check !

~Picture on resume in funky clothes /Shorts , pyjamas , trek suits .
Tip : Please wear formals and get a decent passport size photograph clicked .

~Lazy words like : etc , nd , 4 , using short forms .
Tip : Take time to list out your duties , skill sets , it helps the recruiter find your cv faster .

~Listing a spouse name or a family member in a reference
Tip : give references of the people you work with , like current companies managers you report to !

~Not spelling out the name of the employer or school or college .
Tip : please mention where have you worked . It gives an idea of the profile you would have handled .

~Including phone numbers that are no longer in service for references or employers
Tip : Keep your profiles updated , always !!

~ writing an email using small case letters and big case letters in beginning .
Tip: Keep a check on your grammar , on the way you frame a sentence . First letter of the sentence should be BIG/ LARGE case and the rest should be small .

Hope this helps .

Thank you 

Team Synoverge Consultants 

Friday, April 25, 2014



Q: What sets Twitter apart from other recruiting channels?

A; Erin Osterhaus [managing editor of The New Talent Times, a Software Advice blog]: Twitter is more responsive, and also more transparent, than otherrecruiting channels. With job boards, applicants often have no way of directly connecting with the recruiter or the hiring manager. Meanwhile, through LinkedIn, job applicants have no way of knowing who has viewed their profile unless they decide to upgrade to a higher membership status.

Q: How can companies increase the visibility of their recruiting-related tweets?

A: The most apparent answer: Increase the number of users tweeting out jobs. Encourage employees to use their Twitter accounts to tweet out open positions. In fact, go even further. Encourage them to tweet about company events, interesting projects they’re working on or successes they’ve experienced with your company. If you expose your company culture, and let potential applicants know what they can expect if they work for you, you’ll be able to grow your following and your brand.

Q: Should companies create a separate Twitter handle for recruiting?

A: It depends on the size of your business. At Software Advice, we only have two recruiters. Each recruits for specific job functions, and each has their own Twitter account. For us, we’ve found that having a name and a face associated with a job listing makes it easier for potential applicants to approach us, and for us to respond to their inquiries. However, having a recruiting handle is great for some companies.

Take Twitter for instance. Their recruiting team is much larger than ours, and so one handle that consolidates tweets about the company’s open positions, as well as Tweets from current employees and other corporate Twitter handles, has allowed them to create a sort of recruiting “brand,” and grow their following to about 400,000. So I’d say: Do what feels right for your company.

Q: Would you recommend using Promoted Tweets for recruiting?

A: Social media ranked second-best for delivering high-quality candidates, according to a Software Advice survey.
Erin: That depends on your recruiting budget. Promoted Tweets are a great way to reach a larger number of users who might be interested in your open positions. However, if you’re tweeting on a budget, industry specific hashtags might be your best bet.

Q: Are there any potential minefields to avoid? What’s the wrong way to recruit on Twitter?

A: Don’t post only open positions on your company’s recruiting profile. Just don’t. Yes, you should post some standard job listings, but that shouldn’t be the whole shebang. If potential candidates have gone directly to your Twitter page, chances are they already know something about you and they’re looking to learn more. Alternatively, if they have landed there as a result of seeing one of your open job postings, again, they’re probably looking to learn a little more about your organization.

To keep candidates interested, use Twitter to the max to show what it’s like to work at your company. Use employee tweets, multimedia and respond to potential candidates. It’s a much more effective way of leveraging this social platform.

Source: SmartBrief, Inc.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Grammar Check :

A little business communication :
Avoid wordiness. 
Don't say: On a daily basis. Say: Daily. 
Don't say: In order to. Say: To. 
Don't say: The majority of. Say: Most. 
Don't say: Take into consideration. Say: Consider. 
Don't say: At this point in time. Say: Now. 
Don't say: As of late. Say: Lately. 
Don't say: During the course of. Say: During.

Resume Writing Tips:

  • There is a difference between BIODATA , CV , and RESUME :

    Biodata - BIO-DATA consists information about the individual ,and his attributes ,hobbies ,interests along with educational qualification to describe the person the best. Freshers normally make a biodata.

    RESUME - is one or two page summary of your skills ,experience and education .generally not longer than 2 pages.It indicates candidates professional experience and qualification -generally 2-4years experienced people make resumes.

    CV - A Curriculum Vitae is a longer and more detailed synopsis .Generally over a couple of pages long . It indicates candidates professional experience . CV's generally very experienced people make.

  • Resume Writing Tip :
    Repeating information does not make it more important. Using jargon does not make your document more significant. Keep your communications short and simple. A shorter document has more impact. The audience will remember your message.

This post is specially for freshers . Even Experienced professionals may please see:

How to make your CV worth a once read ? How to find a job for yourself ?To stop getting irrelevant openings in your mail box ?..your questions will end here .. 

The art of writing a resume 

The concept of resume writing is like marketing or advertising and the product is you. Since a resume walks one step ahead of you, it should be one step smarter too. Here are a few pros and cons for a perfect resume:

PDF form: Always, send the soft copy of your resume in the PDF format to maximise the impact. A word document may have the risk of not being compatible with different operating systems - also while sending - Subject line should be relevant write the post applied for for eg : sales executive - hence subject line should be - Application for the post of "sales executive " and location . (this makes easier for the employer to check your resume . No employer checks all resumes ..

Quantify: Use numbers to showcase your contributions. If it's sales, quantify the deals by their worth like you sold over $5000 in the last 10 months, or managing a team of 10 sounds better than just heading the sales team;Making reports (like mis , roi etc )

The top-bottom approach: Try arranging your data in a manner where your outstanding achievements are placed on the top right after your basic information and schooling history. Placing such critical information at the end might not get the desired attention;

Customisation: Customize the resume as per the positions applied for; accordingly, arrange the experience and achievements. Addressing it to the respective person gets you the bonus points;Short and simple description always draws attention .

Fancy fonts: Avoid using fancy and complicated fonts. Always ensure a common font running through your resume. Keep a check on the font size; Professional font is Arial or times .Simple is good .

Copy/Paste: This is a very common practice; candidates often copy-paste the common contents of a resume like career objective, hobbies, strengths, etc. Don't be a part of the herd. Employers look to hire the innovators and initiators.

Page limit: The traditional advice has been to stick to a one page resume for a fresher , and squeeze everything in. But managers today are willing to go beyond this and review the application material in a more detailed manner. Experienced may write more of what they've done till date . No big stories just a synopsis is enough

Please make a proper cv - in hobbies singing ,dancing has nothing to do with the job . Hence do not mention such hobbies . Writing , Reading - reading what please be more precise .newspaper , magazines (which) , Books (which) , articles (which) . Please be very specific.

When your are posting your resume in job portals - Always mention Proper Keywords - like - Sales , Marketing , Business development , Operations, Admin - According to your interests and for experienced - only what you are doing currently . Mentioning proper keywords ,experience and salary will not make your mail box spam. appropriate information given by you will always give you desired jobs in your inbox .

For any queries .. Feel free to comment on the post . Suggestions welcome ..

How to help find a job for yourself ?

How to Find a JOB for yourself :

1. First make an attractive CV/Biodata/Resume. Work really hard on your CV as this will be basis of your entire job search. - Put Proper Keywords (your skills only) 
2. Prepare a cover letter / cover Email highlighting your skills and tell the why they should hire you..
3. Create a profile on popular job sites -,,, etc & start applying for jobs on these sites..staffavailable , quikr, classfields ,ibibo,apnacircle etc etc for more ....
4. Create / update your profile with latest info. Add your skills & Achievements
5. Scan the job section in newspapers daily & apply.
6. Subscribe to any Job news paper like ‘Employment News’ and apply for jobs from it.Check out Times Ascent or job sections in every newspaper .
7. Register with your local government Employment office in your area.
8. Tell people who are working that you are looking for a job - friends, family members , neighbors anyone.. Make a list of all of your friends, relatives, and acquaintances who are working with well known companies. Call each one and ask them if they know of any openings that they could recommend you for.
9. Search for job consultants / agents on internet , create a list of them and send them your CV. Never go to just one agency. Always go to as many as possible. It is easy and it increases your chances a lot!
10. Move to / relocate yourself to Metros where job opportunities are more like Pune, banglore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Noida, Chennai, Delhi ... etc
11. Contact your seniors from your college through social media such as Facebook, twitter,gmail,yahoo etc who are already working and ask for openings in their companies...
12. Attend Job fairs and Job seminars...
13. Prepare well for interviews in advance. Practice your answers for standard questions in most of the interviews such as : ‘Tell me about yourself?’ ; ‘What do you know about us ?’ ; Where do you see yourself 5 years from now ?’; ‘what are your future plans?’
14. Research the company. Become familiar with the past of the company. Who started it? Where? Who runs it now? Be innovative and creative, and ask about the company to the people who are already working there .
15. When you go for the interview – dress appropriately to create the right impression. .
16. Prepare for a Situational interview. Be ready to answer questions such as “Describe a time you had to work with someone you didn’t like.” “Tell me about a time when you had to stick to a decision you made, even though it made you very unpopular... etc etc ...
17. If you are still studying or yet to complete your course, try starting with volunteering jobs for an organization that focuses on something that you’re passionate about or part time assistance jobs. This will help you to have a good understanding of your future job as well can highlight in you CV. You should emphasize your volunteer experience on your resume, as companies that take care of their workforce well tend to favor candidates who help the public somehow.
18. Also another option is to be self-employed or be an entrepreneur, in which case your mission is not to find and get a job, but to create a job.
19. So now stop complaining about no work, get off the couch and go knock on doors with resume in hand. If you do that all day, every day, you will then be choosing which job you are willing to take.
Good luck folks… Do send me a feedback .....
And before i wind up this article:
If you are doing a job search, you will get rejected sometimes. If you’re not getting discarded, you’re not putting yourself out there enough. And if you don’t learn to see rejection as a chance to improve your approach, then you’ll have a very hard time getting a work.....

Take rejection - Positively ... It happens and its just OK to happen .... 

Team Synoverge Consultants .

Entrepreneurs / Directors / CEO's - what should you keep in mind ? - PICK MY BRAIN !!

  • Instead of putting off recruitment and hiring decisions until after the holidays, lay the groundwork now so that, when January arrives, you can go after top talent before the competition, Bob Corlett writes. "If you waste January hammering out your hiring plans, you will start recruiting in February along with most other employers," Corlett writes via American City Business Journals.
  • Do not focus much on degree if a candidate is good . you may hire a character and then train his skill . . if you got those skills who cares about the kills of your degree ? - Synoverge Consultants .
  • Tip: To ensure the employee understands the task allotted, the leader should document the communication.

How to Ask for a Salary (Pay) Rise / Negotiate on an offer :

How to Ask for a Salary (Pay) Rise / Negotiate on an offer :

^Answer and ask diplomatically .

^ASK your worth , Don't keep a Demanding Tone .

^ Review the offer first - check the base , components , benefits , Stock options -if any . 

^ Take time to think and review your offer and try to understand and get to figure out your worth as per your knowledge technically in terms of work , KRA given to you and the amount you're they are offering on that .

^ Do a little research work on the organisation and what they pay normally .Some companies are restricted with the budget constraints and can not pay more or out of budget as per their policies .

^Ask / Request for a meeting to negotiate .

^ Send them a counter offer negotiation email to fix a meeting to discuss on the offer and your expectations . ( A phone call does not help in negotiations)

^How to review your offer : Job offer Check List :
*Job Content (KRA - key result areas)
*Benefits - includes- medical , pf , pantry , leaves ,bonus , stocks if any
*Hours of working
* location of work
*work environment/culture
*company vision / market name or just check if the company is stable and will survive in the market for long .

^Lastly meet them and discuss what you are exactly expecting out of the company - know your worth . .And ASK never be demanding .If you ant to accept it . Accept it professionally via sending a confirmation mail . Or if you dont want to accept send them a mail that it does not suffice your expectations and you will not be able to join .

*** Please note this content belongs to Synoverge Consultants **** Do not copy *****

Hope the article was helpful.

All the best . .

Team Synoverge Consultants .

Monday, April 14, 2014


Hello ,

The only time when you are losing your career life is when you do not upload your updated resume on the job portals or free job hunting links .

Its like not even able to hunt a dead body - reason being no proper keywords used !

Suppose you are a sales person :

Mention every single word in key skills related to sales .

For example :

Mention : sales , selling , "lead generation" , "key accounts management" , "business development"

Highlight your skills : leveraging clients and various ways .

Products and services handled !

Type of sales done ? - online , offline if offline - channel , distributor , dealer , institutional , industrial - mention what kind of sales you are doing ?

Well , that is how you get noticed quicker !

The difference between being and excellent ( BUT REPLACEABLE) candidate and a top performer is that the performer is as good at finding more jobs and getting noticed ! :-)

Compiled by :

Synoverge Consultants 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Tips For Freshers and Working Professionals:

  • Tips on getting noticed by recruiters : 

How to get noticed by recruiters :
make sure that you update your resumes on these job portals for sure :
* naukri , monster india , times jobs , shine , click india , iim jobs . . .
* keep in touch with your friends (college , school , work , random ) and family . .
* ask them about current openings in their organisations /companies .
* keep a check in newspapers ( times ascent ) , HR magazines if you read , Newspapers have a job/career section keep a check on that ?
* google the domain / and a list of companies and keep checking their career section .
* keep your linkedin profiles active and try to interact with people more it wont make you small or it is not unprofessional to directly talk to ceo's of the companies .
* Make appropriate cv and mention things that you do (skills ) not hobbies .

  • When you want a hike on salary .

    Please do not ask on the appraisal that you are expecting to happen .

    You will only get hike on the current salary that you draw .
    NOT on what you are expecting that you will get . (appraisal)

    Even if you are 100% sure of appraisal .

    You may ask for a hike after you draw the appraised salary at least twice !

  • On Joining Company :
when you join a company :

Do not be careless at work .
Dont be too engaged and occupied with your phone .
Be focused with your WORK . . . 
Keep your personal issues OUT till office hours .

No Company is concerned with your personal life . . neither will they act as an agony aunt to you !! 

Join only when you want to work ! no company is going to pay you for your full time or part time issues . . . .

if you can not take responsibilities . . be happy at your homes . . . . 

  • On selling candidature:
Don't over sell your candidature to multiple companies when you are not ready to change or not focused or simply confused !

Dont be too desperate . . 

It will make your candidature look unWorthy of the position ! 

Do not over sell it . . . 

And be available and flexible when you apply . . .

  • Etiquette's:

Tips to Employers ,Employees AND Entrepreneurs :

Be courteous enough to respond :

a thank you
a sorry 
i am busy 
will reply later 

AND respond to calls and email's . . 

Not responding to calls and emails DOES NOT MAKE YOU RESPECTABLE OR WANTED !!!!!

Rather it makes you look like - a person who is not serious for his work . . . NOBODY wants to work with full-time so called BUSY people . .

It is not professional to keep people waiting for you . . and vice versa . . .


#ethics !!!!!! 

  • Question: During an interview, the interviewer asks - Tell me about your self, any example what can I say?

Answer: My name is Asha, and I have a bachelors in Finance & HR. Apart of that, I have taken a certification in ABC. Along side with that, I have 10 years of experience in ABCD field. Combining my 10 years of experience, my education and my certification, I have developed certain skills, (mention your top 3 skills).. With all this, I have a crystal clear understanding of the HR/ IR policies, financial matters. I am certain my skills will add significant value to your organization. I know my strengths will be an asset to your company.

Dont just say, My name is Asha, I have a Bachelors in xyz and 10 years working experience in ABC company/ industry.
